
Meeting with VIPs from Tianjin in China. Promotion meeting at Clarion Hotel Copenhagen held by Tianjin group, CHINA 7.th July 2010 15.00.

Promotion meeting held by Tianjin group
Date 7th July, 2010
Time: start from 15.00 in the afternoon and last for around 2 hours
Place : Clarion Hotel Copenhagen :Molestien 11, Copenhagen

Mrs.FangFang: mobil 50 20 71 40
Wave International
Koebmagergade 55, 1
DK-1150 Copenhagen K
Phone: +45 33 18 92 07

The promotion meeting will be hosted by Mr. Division Zhang Yunsheng and the meeting agenda as following:

1. Mr. Zhang will declare the meeting open, and induce the participants briefly;
2. The organizer gives the speech;
3. Mr. Deputy Director Zhu Baosheng does the keynote speech, to introduce the investment environment in Tianjin;
4. The participants ask questions, and the Tianjin delegation on the spot to answer;
5. Mr. Division Zhang Yunsheng declares the meeting closed.
The meeting will use consecutive interpretation, the interpreter will be arranged by the delegation themselves; the lecture will be done through multimedia presentation.

The main contents of the lecture given by Mr. Deputy Director Zhu Baosheng:

1. Topic: Dynamic Tianjin—the new growth pole of Chinese economy
2. The Bohai Economic Rim, which centers Beijing and Tianjin, is formatting the third growth pole of Chinese economy;
3. The geographical advantages of Tianjin;
4. The industry and functional advantages of Tianjin
5. The market and its radiation advantages of Tianjin;
6. The technology and personnel advantages of Tianjin;
7. The main responsibilities of Tianjin Commission of Commerce;
8. Welcome to Tianjin for business investigation and development

The name list of the guests:
1. Mr. Zhu Baosheng 1950.09.04
Deputy Director, Tianjin Commission of Commerce
2. Mr. Zhang Yunsheng 1957.06.18
Division Director, Foreign Affairs Division of Tianjin Commission of Commerce
3. Mr. Bo Wanhu 1966.02.19
Deputy Division Director, Personnel Education Division of Tianjin Commission of Commerce
4. Mr. Lu Tao 1972.12.10
Cadre, Foreign Company Division of Tianjin Commission of Commerce
5. Ms. Liu Xueying 1963.07.24
Deputy Division Director, Pharmaceuticals Registry of Tianjin Food and Drug Administration
6. Ms. Zhang Fan 1978.12.04
Cadre, Investment Promotion Bureau No.1 of Tianjin Economic and Technological Development Zone