
Citizen21 Conference October 24th 2010 Vartov, Farvergade 27, 1463 Kbh. K

Citizen21 Conference
October 24th 2010
Vartov, Farvergade 27, 1463 Kbh. K

Citizen21 is pleased to share in the following the outlines of the conference scheduled on UN day.

The objective of the conference is twofolded.

We aim to uncover:
1) How private behavior has effects on the state of the community
2) How citizenship as an ideal can draw its strength from individual attitude

Another objective of the conference is to explore possible redefinitions of citizenship in this 21st Century where issues of environment, consumption, security, education, freedom are ever more pressing.

We would like to convey actors from the academic, corporate, socio-political and
cultural world to gather for a whole day and offer their perspectives while engaging with the audience through debates and workshops.

The expected outcome is new insight about the public and private relations in the
exercise of citizenship.
It will be used as information and education material for schools, associations,
businesses and institutions.
It will also constitute a dynamic platform upon which we can further the debate and
engage other actors on the same topic to widen its scope and improve it.
Furthermore we intend to use the outcome as basis for concrete actions and initiatives where and whenever it is relevant and of benefit to the community.

Projected effects on Citizen21
It will provide a good opportunity for Citizen21 to be part of the debate and little
by little define itself and contribute to a purposeful exploration of the many avenues of citizenship available to us as a society.
The conference will also be an occasion to plant the seeds for the following campaign
that Citizen21 is preparing around the winter season.

Moderator Ida Ebbensgaard, DR2 Udland
Line up
Mariane Josefsen, Historiedamen
Martin Lidegaard, Chairman Concito
Maria Mackinney-Valentin PhD Scholar, Danish Design school
Georg Metz, Journalist
Lars Pehrsson, CEO Merkur Bank
Michael Wolffhechel, Jurist
Martin Ågerup, Director Cepos

We aim at producing material easy to use, to understand and to spread. In other words,we will not only rely on the written report of the conference.
To enable an effective distribution of the outcome videos, podcasts and other
digital items that we can instantly share will be produced.

Citizen21 · Farvergade 27, opg. L 3.sal · 1463 Kbh. K · info@citizen21.dk · www.citizen21.dk

Preliminary program

10.00-10.30 Arrival
10.30-10.35 Presentation of the program by the moderator Ida Ebbensgaard
10.35-10.45 Welcome and introduction by Aziz Fall, chairman Citizen21
10.50-11.05 Individual responsibility and freedom and Citizenship, Martin Ågerup
11.05-11.20 QA and debate with public
11.20-11.35 Human stories and local citizenship, Mariane Josefsen
11.35-11.50 QA and debate
11.50-12-50 Lunch break
12.50-13.05 Social responsibility and privacy, Georg Metz
13.10-13.25 QA and debate with the public
13.30-13.45 The meaning of Hej in social dynamics, Maria Mackinney-Valentin
13.45-14.00 QA and public debate
14.00-14.30 Coffee break
14.35-14.50 Challenges to private citizenship, Martin Lidegaard
14.50-15.05 QA and public debate
15.10-15.25 Satisfying the private needs in a community based approach, Lars Pehrsson
15.30-15.45 QA and public debate
15.45-16.05 Coffee break
16.05-16.15 CO2 Green Drive - Activism in the 21st Century, Michael Wolffhechel
16.25-16.50 Debate between the full panel and the audience
16.50-17.00 Final remarks and conclusion by Aziz Fall

The conference is open to the public and anyone can sign up for participation on
info@citizen21.dk not latest than October 15th at 12.00 AM.

It costs 150kr. that can be transferred to the citizen21 bank account:
Nordea, reg. nr. 2104, kontonr. 6272-791-226.
Lunch, drinks and snacks will be provided.

We look forward to an inspiring day dedicated to citizens.