
UNIVERSITY OF COPENHAGEN EUROPEAN & Sustainability Lectures Spring 2011

Sustainability Lecture: Connie Hedegaard
11. marts 2011 kl. 10.00
Arrangementstype: foredrag
Sted: Festsalen, Frue Plads 4, 1168 København K
Arrangør: KU Copenhagen Climate Lectures
Den tredje forelæsning i rækken af Sustainability Lectures bliver med EU-kommissær Connie Hedegaard..

EURECO Lecture: Bart Van Vooren "The Legend of Externalizing Europe - a Legal Perspective"
22. februar 2011 kl. 15.00
Arrangementstype: forelæsning
Sted: Alexandersalen, Bispetorvet 1-3, 1167 Copenhagen K.
Arrangør: EURECO

Jean Monnet Lecture: The role of the European Parliament after the Lisbon Treaty
23. februar 2011 kl. 12.15
Arrangementstype: seminar
Sted: Room 2.0.63, Centre for Health and Society (CSS), Øster Farimagsgade 5,1014 Copenhagen K
Arrangør: Political Science
by Dan Jørgensen MEP, The Danish Social Democrats

Jean Monnet Lecture: The Commission and its present role in European policy making
23. februar 2011 kl. 12.15
Arrangementstype: seminar
Sted: Room 2.0.63, Centre for Health and Society (CSS), Øster Farimagsgade 5,1014 Copenhagen K
Arrangør: Political Science
by Jens Nymand-Christensen Director European Commission, Better Regulation & Institutional Issues...

Jean Monnet Lecture: The Politics of CAP reform – Can Farm Ministers do the Job?
23. februar 2011 kl. 12.15
Arrangementstype: seminar
Sted: Room 2.0.63, Centre for Health and Society (CSS), Øster Farimagsgade 5,1014 Copenhagen K
Arrangør: Political Science
by Carsten Daugbjerg Professor, Department of Political Science, Aarhus University

Sustainability Lecture: Inger Andersen
07. marts 2011 kl. 14.00
Arrangementstype: foredrag
Sted: Festsalen, Frue Plads 4, 1168 København K
Arrangør: KU Copenhagen Climate Lectures
Den anden lecture i rækken af Sustainability Lectures bliver med Inger Andersen, som er Vicepræsident...

EURECO Lecture: Helle Porsdam "The Legend of the Transatlantic Relationship – how Human Rights influence on the Shape of Legal Identity"
22. marts 2011 kl. 15.00
Arrangementstype: forelæsning
Sted: Alexandersalen, Bispetorvet 1-3, 1167 Copenhagen K.
Arrangør: EURECO

EURECO Lecture: Caroline Grøn “A Tale of Bureaucracy - The European Commission and the Difficulties of Improving its Image”
12. april 2011 kl. 15.00
Arrangementstype: forelæsning
Sted: Alexandersalen, Bispetorvet 1-3, 1167 Copenhagen K
Arrangør: EURECO

EURECO Lecture: Hans-Jörg Trenz "The saga of Europeanization - Affirmations of Ordinary Life in the Process of European Integration"
03. maj 2011 kl. 15.00
Arrangementstype: foredrag
Sted: Alexandersalen, Bispetorvet 1-3, 1167 Copenhagen K
Arrangør: EURECO

Sustainability Lecture: Stephen Toope
27. juni 2011 kl. 15.00
Arrangementstype: forelæsning
Sted: Alexandersalen Bispetorvet 1-3 1167 København K
Arrangør: KU Copenhagen Climate Lectures
Den fjerde forelæsning i rækken af Sustainability Lectures bliver med Dr. Stephen Toope, rektor på...