
Expat Fair & Welcome Reception The City of Copenhagen would like to welcome you to Copenhagen at a reception on the 13th Sept 2011 at The City HALL

Expat Fair & Welcome Reception

The City of Copenhagen would like to welcome you to
Copenhagen at a reception on the 13th of September 2011 at The City Hall.

Read more and sign up


PLEASE JOIN: >"Meet the world" café - 1st March 2011. 17.00 - 19.00 TIVOLI HOTEL.

Photo Hasse Ferrold.

Invitation to "Meet the World Café" -"The World in Denmark - Denmark in The World".
ALL foreign- & Danish Networks / Expats, Business, Diplomats..... in Denmark and Danes are invited - FREE.
"Meet the world" café - 1st March 2011. 17.00 - 19.00 TIVOLI HOTEL.

You are with many other expats & Danes, international organizations and societies invited to the monthly initiative organized by President Hasse Ferrold, International Club Copenhagen, ICC.

Every first Tuesday of the month the event will be open to anyone interested in meeting other Expats & Danes from varying networks. Join them for an evening of mingling and entertainment on March 1st. Two outstanding succés-stories will be told by happy Foreigners coming to Denmark.

General info & Coming invitations http://international-club-copenhagen.blogspot.com/2011/01/meet-world-cafe-meetings-will-be.html
SIGN UP: You / Your Network send the number of participants (no names neccesary) - LATEST THE DAY BEFORE 12.00 - to mailadress:
Info@tivoli-cc.dk att.: Anne-Mette Bakkemose. Let your own network collect the sign ups and send it to her as one number of participants.
ICC-members Sign up directly to her and not to ICC.


The kick-off 1/2 2011 at TIVOLI HOTEL was a REALLY SUCCÈS with 250 participants,Great Speeches by The Ambassador of India & Actor Ian Burns. Brilliant Music by Michala Høy and Andreas Flensted-Jensen. Two outstanding succés-stories were told by Foreigners coming to Denmark.

Read The Brilliant speech (Copyright IAN BURNS): "DENMARK" of Actor Ian Burns at the Launch of "Meet The World Café" 1/2 2011 at TIVOLI HOTEL.

Denmark, Ladies and gentlemen, This Lilliputian land of Lego, Carlsberg, Lurpack and bacon...your thumbnail covers the entire country on the world atlas, which goes to prove that, size isn’t everything!!

Denmark also dictates foreign affairs, security and financial policy for that huge land mass called Greenland, which gives it some weight in the world of strategic alliances...but as Michael Caine would say “Not a lot of people know that..”

Think of some of the unique talents that Denmark has produced:….

In no specific order I thought of; Niels Bohr, (Nuclear physisist) Tycho Brahe, (Astrologist) H.C. Andersen, (writer of fairy tales) A.P.Møller,(Shipping magnate) Carl Nielsen, (Composer) Karen Blixen, (author) Peter Schmeichel & Michael Laudrup, (Footballers) Søren Kirkegaard, (philosopher) Jørgen Udson (Sidney Opera House architect) and Victor Borge. (Comedian)

Victor Borge said:

“Laughter is the shortest distance between 2 people”. He also said this: “Love is what makes you smile when you’re tired”.

Which is sweet. And true. Is this little land of Denmark the land of love?

A quick glance at the coins in your pockets will reveal that they all have little hearts carved into them. Sweet! I thought that I would be in Denmark for 8 weeks - 20 years ago… Little did I know that I would meet my wife after 5 days and remain here. There are so many stories of people who have been infatuated and caught on this spider’s web of love. Many people who come here do so because they’ve met and been enchanted by a Dane on holiday…”Oh yes”, people nod at you in an understanding manner, “You’re here because of your girlfriend, or boyfriend”.

Well, I at least came here to work…

So my message to you if you are just “passing through” is don’t go out and try not to have eye contact with anyone for the length of your stay here. It can be dangerous.

Of course if you choose not to listen to me and end up living and having a family here as I have, there are worse places in the world to be. It ain’t perfect, but my 20 year “extraordinary” journey has shown me that the world should maybe be trying to follow a Scandinavian model of Iiving…

Cast your minds back…

The year is 1992 in the flaming month of June

The year when Denmark won the cup

And the world sang this tune:

Oh yes, there’s more to Denmark than bacon
Be proud to live in this nation
Fly your flags and sing out with pride
‘cos no-one could beat you as hard as they tried

You showed the world how to play football
The bigger they are they harder they fall
And poor Yogoslavia what can we say
We hope that your country is like ours one day..
Olé. Olé, olé olé olé…

The day I refer is when Denmark won the European football championship.

Afterwards I was walking home through the town hall square, which was packed with deliriously happy Danes, when I was stopped by the largest human being I’ve ever encountered. EVER. Obviously of Viking descent, no wonder my ancestors in Scotland were slightly frightened of them, I remember thinking to myself…He looked down at me and said in a deep Gravelly voice; “Hvor kommer du fra?” “Where do you come from?” I tried to deepen my voice as much as I could but my vocal chords could only manage a little squeaky sound saying; “Scotland!”

“Jeg kan virkelige godt lige Skotter” he said (“I really like Scots people” he said as he picked me up, threw me over his shoulder

and started to do a conga around the square. Pretty soon there were hundreds of people behind us joining in…(Conga) My view of this was from over his shoulder…After a circuit of the square he put me down, very gently, and put his hand into his inside pocket. “Oh, here it comes! I thought, the death-blow!”

But he pulled out an un-opened bottle of Glen Morangie whisky, which is one of my favourites by the way, he opened it, drank about a third of it in one huge gulp, then he wiped the bottle and passed it over to me and said “Resten er din, have a god aften, Skotte!” “Thank you”, I said in a squeaky voice and waved to him as he tumbled off into the crowd.

That was quite an evening. It has been quite a journey thus far. I hope that you enjoy your journeys here in Denmark.


In closing I’d like to quote Karen Blixen who said:

“I belong to an ancient, wild and useless tribe, I am a story-teller”

So am I. I hope that you’ll come in and see my forthcoming theatre production. www.that-theatre.com


The Embassy of the Czech Republic gladly informs on screening of "Forgotten Transports".

The Embassy of the Czech Republic gladly informs on the screening of three documentaries form the acclaimed documentary series "Forgotten Transports".
Please see the invitation on: www.mzv.cz/copenhagen

Tuesday 22 February 2011 at 19:00
Forgotten Transports to Belarus: Men Who Fought

Tuesday 1 March 2011 at 19:00
Forgotten Transports to Latvia: Family Strength

Tuesday 8 March 2011 at 19:00
Forgotten Transports to Poland: The Human Spirit

Reservation of tickets on: www.husetmagstraede.dk

Ministry of Science: BOOK A SPEACH BY A SCIENTIST (FREE) till 1/4 -11. Speach to be made 28/4 - 30/4 2011.

Find og bestil foredrag
Foredrag kan bestilles fra tirsdag den 15. februar 2011 kl. 9.00 og frem til den 1. april 2011.


Bestil en Forsker finder sted fra torsdag den 28. april til lørdag den 30. april 2011. Alle har mulighed for at bestille en forsker til at komme ud og holde et foredrag. Foredraget er gratis. Det eneste, du skal betale, er forskerens transportomkostninger. Du skal samle et publikum på minimum 15 personer, og du skal skabe rammerne for afholdelse af arrangementet.

Du er velkommen til at bestille flere foredrag. Men bestiller du mere end ét foredrag, skal du i dialog med sekretariatet, som skal godkende dit arrangement. Bestil en Forsker-sekretariatet vil selv kontakte dig efterfølgende.

Spørgsmål om Bestil en Forsker skal rettes til Marie Kruse Larsen på ml@bestilenforsker.dk eller 8620 4235.

SPECIAL OFFER TO ICC: Copenhagen Art Fair 25-27 Feb. 2011 in Falconer Centret ,Copenhagen

Copenhagen Art Fair in Falconer Centret on the 27th of February from 10-11 AM.
170 kunstnere gør Copenhagen Art Fair til en spændende kunstoplevelse. I weekenden den 25.-27. februar er Falconer Centret fyldt med kunstneriske events og indslag så glæd dig til bl.a. Testlaboratoriet, 3D foto, LESKEHs UV-Rum, DM i ArtBattle og Børneworkshop
Fre.:16-19| |Lør.:10-18| |Søn.:10-18|
Special offer from KUNSTMESSE to ICC Members-Members of International Club Copenhagen and Diplomats:
Bring a print of this invitation and get in for free sunday between 10 and 11 AM.

Free admission to Copenhagen Art Fair sunday the 27th of February
from 10-11 AM
High on Art
You are hereby invited to, Copenhagen Art Fair in Falconer Centret on the 27th of February from 10-11 AM.
170 artists from Denmark and Scandinavia transform Falconer Centret into a place of artistic wonder. Here you have the chance to meet the artists, discuss their artwork and buy art directly from them. See modern painting ranging from expressionistic colorfull abstractions to Faeroe landscapes, sculptures in bronze, marble and stone, glass, ceramics, contemporary jewellery and so on and so forth. Copenhagen
Art Fairs 170 artists are sure to surprice and astonish the visitors with all their colorfull expressions.
The weekend also offers a wide range of events such as ArtBattle, Modern Dance, 3D photo, UV- painting and throughout the weekend kids can challenge their
artistic skills at the childrens workshop. Se the full program at www.kunstmesse.dk
In cooperation with Danske Banks filialer på Frederiksberg Tickets can be bought through BILLETnet or at the door.
Opening Hours
Fri: 4-7 PM
Sat:10 AM - 6 PM
Sun:10 AM - 6 PM
Falconer Centret, Falconer Alle 9, 2000 Frederiksberg
Admission Fee: 100 Dkk
Bring a print of this invitation and get in for free sunday between 10 and 11 AM. Children under 14 years: Free admission.

UNIVERSITY OF COPENHAGEN EUROPEAN & Sustainability Lectures Spring 2011

Sustainability Lecture: Connie Hedegaard
11. marts 2011 kl. 10.00
Arrangementstype: foredrag
Sted: Festsalen, Frue Plads 4, 1168 København K
Arrangør: KU Copenhagen Climate Lectures
Den tredje forelæsning i rækken af Sustainability Lectures bliver med EU-kommissær Connie Hedegaard..

EURECO Lecture: Bart Van Vooren "The Legend of Externalizing Europe - a Legal Perspective"
22. februar 2011 kl. 15.00
Arrangementstype: forelæsning
Sted: Alexandersalen, Bispetorvet 1-3, 1167 Copenhagen K.
Arrangør: EURECO

Jean Monnet Lecture: The role of the European Parliament after the Lisbon Treaty
23. februar 2011 kl. 12.15
Arrangementstype: seminar
Sted: Room 2.0.63, Centre for Health and Society (CSS), Øster Farimagsgade 5,1014 Copenhagen K
Arrangør: Political Science
by Dan Jørgensen MEP, The Danish Social Democrats

Jean Monnet Lecture: The Commission and its present role in European policy making
23. februar 2011 kl. 12.15
Arrangementstype: seminar
Sted: Room 2.0.63, Centre for Health and Society (CSS), Øster Farimagsgade 5,1014 Copenhagen K
Arrangør: Political Science
by Jens Nymand-Christensen Director European Commission, Better Regulation & Institutional Issues...

Jean Monnet Lecture: The Politics of CAP reform – Can Farm Ministers do the Job?
23. februar 2011 kl. 12.15
Arrangementstype: seminar
Sted: Room 2.0.63, Centre for Health and Society (CSS), Øster Farimagsgade 5,1014 Copenhagen K
Arrangør: Political Science
by Carsten Daugbjerg Professor, Department of Political Science, Aarhus University

Sustainability Lecture: Inger Andersen
07. marts 2011 kl. 14.00
Arrangementstype: foredrag
Sted: Festsalen, Frue Plads 4, 1168 København K
Arrangør: KU Copenhagen Climate Lectures
Den anden lecture i rækken af Sustainability Lectures bliver med Inger Andersen, som er Vicepræsident...

EURECO Lecture: Helle Porsdam "The Legend of the Transatlantic Relationship – how Human Rights influence on the Shape of Legal Identity"
22. marts 2011 kl. 15.00
Arrangementstype: forelæsning
Sted: Alexandersalen, Bispetorvet 1-3, 1167 Copenhagen K.
Arrangør: EURECO

EURECO Lecture: Caroline Grøn “A Tale of Bureaucracy - The European Commission and the Difficulties of Improving its Image”
12. april 2011 kl. 15.00
Arrangementstype: forelæsning
Sted: Alexandersalen, Bispetorvet 1-3, 1167 Copenhagen K
Arrangør: EURECO

EURECO Lecture: Hans-Jörg Trenz "The saga of Europeanization - Affirmations of Ordinary Life in the Process of European Integration"
03. maj 2011 kl. 15.00
Arrangementstype: foredrag
Sted: Alexandersalen, Bispetorvet 1-3, 1167 Copenhagen K
Arrangør: EURECO

Sustainability Lecture: Stephen Toope
27. juni 2011 kl. 15.00
Arrangementstype: forelæsning
Sted: Alexandersalen Bispetorvet 1-3 1167 København K
Arrangør: KU Copenhagen Climate Lectures
Den fjerde forelæsning i rækken af Sustainability Lectures bliver med Dr. Stephen Toope, rektor på...



Meet Skype founder Niklas Zennström at Public meeting at CBS 22/2 2011 16.00/17.00-18.00


Public Meetings at University of Copenhagen


News 3 MEETINGS from The Danish European Movement EUROPABEVÆGELSEN

Den 21. februar. Østersø NGO Netværket inviterer til aftenmøde på Københavns Rådhus. Mødets emne er civilsamfundets involvering i virkeliggørelsen af EU’s Østersøstrategi, og det er åbent for alle interesserede. Tilmelding til BSNGOForum2009@gmail.com.
Se mere her. http://www.eubev.dk/events/show/1117?month=2&year=2011

Den 22. februar. EPSO (European Personnel Selection Office) inviterer i samarbejde med Udenrigsministeriet og Projekt- og Karrierevejledningen på Københavns Universitet på et informationsarrangement om EU’s karrieremuligheder. Arrangementet vil særligt fokusere på den netop annoncerede ansættelsesprøve for generalister i foråret 2011. Se mere om arrangementet her.

Den 1. marts. AOF Danmark afholder stor konference med titlen ”Hvilke job skal vi leve af i fremtidens Danmark og Europa?” Se her for program og yderligere informationer.



Fælles pressemeddelelse
Finansrådet, Dansk Erhverv, Dansk Industri og Dansk Byggeri

Ny forsikringstype målrettet netbankindbrud

Nu kan virksomheder tegne en forsikring målrettet netbankindbrud. En virksomhed med op til 25 medarbejdere kan for under 700 kr. årligt forsikre sig mod tab, hvis kriminelle bryder ind i deres netbank.

Den ny forsikringstype giver også en kontant besparelse for de virksomheder, der alene har behov for en netbankforsikring, men har tegnet en bredere og dyrere kriminalitetsforsikring.

Den ny forsikringstype er et resultat af drøftelserne om, hvordan mindre virksomheder kan beskytte sig mod tab ved netbankindbrud.

Der er i øjeblikket to udbydere af netbankforsikringer, der kan tegnes via disse portaler:
www.netbankforsikring.dk og http://netbanksindbrud.willisweb.dk


Invitation to Chinese New Year celebration,Business seminar and cocktail reception 28 February. Seminar 14.30-17.30. Cocktail reception at 17.30

Invitation to Chinese New Year celebration,Business seminar and cocktail reception at
Radisson Blu Royal Hotel, Copenhagen

Hong Kong - your business hub in China

Hong Kong business partners have joined forces in celebration of the Chinese New
Year. We are delighted to invite you to a seminar and cocktail reception to celebrate
the Year of the Rabbit.
At the seminar you will hear interesting speakers and meet organisations and people
that can help you to establish your company in Hong Kong as well as help you use
the area to gain access to the Mainland Chinese market.

Well-known experts will present and discuss the latest developments in Hong Kong.
Speakers include among others Luka Lu, Partner at legal firm Capital Associates
Advisors, Niels Bucholst, Danish importer of Hello Kitty products, Hugo Høllede,
Managing director at NCO China Consult, Nikolaj Juhl Hansen, Senior Office
Partner and Head of M&A at law firm Eversheds and Lene Grønning, Director,Bornholm Island.

Time: Monday 28 February. Seminar 14.30-17.30. Cocktail reception at 17.30
Place: Radisson Blu Royal Hotel, Hammerichsgade 1, Copenhagen

Seminar and cocktail reception are complimentary

Please sign up at www.hktdc-nordics.com/copenhagen

14:30 Registration and mingle
15:00-15:05 Welcome remarks Mrs. Agnes Allcock, Director-General,Hong Kong Economic & Trade Office, London
15:05-15:10 Ms. Lore Buscher, Regional European Director,
Hong Kong Trade Development Council
15:10-15:40 Keynote: How to take advantage of Hong Kong's business platform for
expansion in China
Mrs. Luka Lu, Partner, Capital Associates Advisors
15:40-16:10 It's time for being bright: Bright Green Test Island - innovation
and international development The Hong Kong experience Mrs. Lene Grønning, Director, Bornholm Island
16:10-16:30 Coffee break
16:30-17:00 Panel discussion:Panel presentation, see speakers below, 10 minutes each
17:00-17:20 Panel discussion Hong Kong as your gateway to
China/challenges and opportunities
Mr. Niels Bucholst, Danish importer of Hello Kitty products
Mr. Hugo Høllede, Managing Director, NCO China Consult
Mr. Nikolaj Juhl Hansen, Senior Office Partner and Head of M&A,
17:20-17:30 Closing remarks and reflections from the afternoon by
Claus Hemmingsen, President, Denmark-Hong Kong Trade
17:30-18:30 Cocktail reception


SWEDISH CHURCH Copenhagen celebrates 100 years 1/6 19.00 with HRH The Queen Silvia of Sweden & HRH Princess Benedikte of Denmark. Tickets fr 27/4

Join The Royal Celebration:

THE SWEDISH CHURCH, Copenhagen celebrates 100 years 1/6 19.00 with HRH The Queen Silvia of Sweden & HRH Princess Benedikte of Denmark. Tickets from 27/4 100 Kr



Copenhagen Cooking. Winter Edition.

Welcome to the 2011 winter edition of Copenhagen Cooking
February has long been known as the month of dieting, budgeting and other boring things in life. But not this year. In 2011 we will launch the first ever winter edition of Copenhagen Cooking. So plan your trip to Copenhagen in February and we promise you plenty of culinary experiences, deals, and markets.
You can also look forward to Copenhagen Cooking from August 19 – 28.

København koger i februar http://www.copenhagencooking.dk/
Helstegt vildsvin, fisk, skaldyr og nordisk gastronomi til lave priser. Det er bare noget af det, du kan sætte tænderne i, når Copenhagen Cooking lanceres i en vinterudgave for første gang.

Gå ombord i en 5-retters middag i Moltkes Palæ, Nordens bedste sildeopskrifter, vin- og cocktailsmagninger eller et helstegt vildsvin på Gråbrødretorv. Mulighederne for en smagsoplevelse i særklasse er mange og varer hele februar måned, når Copenhagen Cooking går i luften i en vinterudgave.

Rogn og Bloody Sundays
Og i den måned festivalen varer, er der at væld af oplevelser at gå ombord i. Er du til fisk og skaldyr, bliver du ikke skuffet. Fx kan du medbringe en smagsprøve på din bedste sildeopskrift og få den bedømt af et ekspertpanel på Nyhavns Færgekro, smage alskens rogn på Fiskebaren i Kødbyen eller nyde en aften i skaldyrets tegn på Restaurant Zeleste.

For de vin- og cocktail interesserede bydes der på økologiske vine på Il Dona, søndage på Rubys i selskab med Bloody Marys, vinsmagninger på Patépaté og undervisning i kunsten at lave cocktails på 1105.

Godfather, Nordens vildt og mad til lave priser
Kødet er der også fokus på. Fx kan du smage noget af verdens bedste oksekød på Bøf & Ost, vilde vildsvin på Gråbrødretorv eller Nordens vildt fra bl.a. de store svenske skove.

Er du bidt af Godfather filmene, kan du drage mod ærkeitalienske L´altro, der serverer en Corleone-menu akkompagneret af siciliansk musik. Og vil du opleve grevens private gemakker, slår Moltkes Palæ dørene op for både en 5-retters middag og cocktailsmagning.

I Skuespilhuset bydes der på en gammel kending i Copenhagen Cooking sammenhæng, når 10 toprestauranter byder på smagsprøver. Der er også mulighed for at spise til lave priser, når en lang række restauranter byder på en tre-retters menu til 200 kroner.

Copenhagen Cooking, der er arrangeret af Wonderful Copenhagen og en række af byens gastronomiske aktører, har eksisteret siden 2005 i en august udgave. Copenhagen Cooking’s vinterudgave er en del af Wonderful Copenhagens festivalparaply, *Wondercool, der ud over mad også sætter fokus på mode, design, rock og jazz.

Events i Bella Center 23rd Annual Conference European Association for International Education , EAIE 13-16/9

Events i Bella Center
23rd Annual EAIE Conference
13-09-2011 - 16-09-2011
European Association for International Education , EAIE

The EAIE is a non-profit organisation whose main aim is the stimulation and facilitation of the internationalisation of higher education in Europe and around the world, and to meet the professional needs of individuals active in international education.

CODE11 - Nordens designmesse 01-09-2011 - 04-09-2011. Bellacenter.

CODE11 - Nordens designmesse
01-09-2011 - 04-09-2011
CODE11 er en selektiv fagmesse med prioritet på design i høj kvalitet, gode ideer og skæve indfald. Her præsenteres de nye, innovative produkter og suveræne designoplevelser.

Events i Bella Center :96-a Universala Kongreso de Esperanto 23-07-2011 - 30-07-2011

Events i Bella Center
96-a Universala Kongreso de Esperanto
23-07-2011 - 30-07-2011



Årets største netværksdag for mødeplanlæggere. Der møder du ca. 200 udstillere, hører interessante foredrag om mødeplanlægning samt netværker med hundredvis af danske og svenske mødeplanlæggere.
Arrangør:Kursuslex, A.F. Beyersvej 1,2720 Vanløse kursuslex@kursuslex.dk Tlf70221173



CIFF - Copenhagen International Fashion Fair 03.02.11-06.02.11

Vacation in the World and Denmark Exhibit - FERIE 2011 11-13 FEBRUAR 2011

GOLF in Bella 11-13 FEBRUAR 2011

Copenhagen Dive Show 11-13 FEBRUAR 2011

LEGO World - 'Worlds funniest playground' 17.02.11-20.02.11
Kom til LEGO World 2011 og oplev "VERDENS SJOVESTE BYGGEPLADS"

TEMA 20 - Tema 2011 - International Food Fair of Scandinavia 27.02.11-02.03.11
21. internationale fagmesse for nærings- og nydelsesmidler. 21th International food fair of Scandinavia.

Tema 2011 - Copenhagen Wine & Spirits Show 27.02.11-02.03.11
7. internationale fagmesse for vin og spiritus. 7th international wine & spirits trade fair.
TEMA 2011 - Hotel * Restaurant * Catering & Storkøkken.
18. internationale fagmesse for hotel, restaurant & catering. 18th international hotel, restaurant & catering trade fair.

Årets største netværksdag for mødeplanlæggere. Der møder du ca. 200 udstillere, hører interessante foredrag om mødeplanlægning samt netværker med hundredvis af danske og svenske mødeplanlæggere.
Arrangør:Kursuslex, A.F. Beyersvej 1,2720 Vanløse kursuslex@kursuslex.dk Tlf70221173

Både i Bella / 11-13 og 17-20 marts 2011
Copenhagen International Boat Show http://www.baadeibella.dk/

OTHER MEETINGS COMING UP AT BELLACENTER http://www.bellacenter.dk/Kalender


CHOKOLADE FESTIVAL 13/3 2011 10-17. TAP 1 Carlsberg Area.

CHOKOLADE FESTIVAL 13/3 2011 10-17. TAP 1 Carlsberg Area.
Experience ,Taste and see.



David Duncan er en fremadstormende, kreativ konditor, der skræddersyr sine
designkager helt efter ønske. Han kreerer en tro kopi i naturlig størrelse af
sæsonens it-taske, et par sexede stiletter eller en helt tredje af sæsonens fashion
Fashion High Tea har været en stor succés i New York og London.
Nu introducerer konditor-kunstneren David Duncan og Avenue de eksklusive events i Danmark.

Avenue Fashion High Tea bliver lanceret fredag den 4. og lørdag den 5. februar
under Copenhagen Fashion Week 2011.
I ægte britisk high tea-stil serverer vi fingersandwichs, miniaturekager af sæsonens
fashion items, franske bobler, stempelkaffe og the.
David Duncan præsenterer og serverer personligt dagens udvalgte designkager.
Du kan allerede nu sikre dig billetter til fredag den 4. februar kl. 15-18 og lørdag
den 5. februar kl. 15-18.
Avenue Fashion High Tea 300 kr. pr. person
Book info@avenuehotel.dk, telefon 35 37 31 11 eller www.Billetlugen.dk
Læs mere på www.avenuehotel.dk
Åboulevard 29 • DK-1960 Frederiksberg C
Tel +45 35 37 31 11 • info@avenuehotel.dk • www.avenuehotel.dk


INTERESTING MEETINGS AT "The Italian Culture Institute"

INTERESTING MEETINGS AT "The Italian Culture Institute"
Det Italienske Kulturinstitut i København
Gjørlingsvej 11
2900 Hellerup
Tlf. 3962 0696

Mandag d. 24. januar – kl. 19.00 ART & BAROQUE CONCERT (free entry)
“Myter i naturens klæder” Oliemalerier og akvareller af Elena Pecci. Elena Pecci formidler ved hjælp af kunsten og farverne sin kærlighed til naturen og mytologien.
Dato: 24. januar 2011 - 25. februar 2011

26/1 19.00 Kristi Ligklæde i Torino. Ved læge og ekspert Niels Svensson der har skrevet bogen "Det Sande ansigt.Jesus og Ligklædet"

28/1 18.00 Oplev 3000 års kultur gennem kunst og historie mens man nyder mad og vine fra egnen TUSCIA (250/200 kr) first til mølle tilmelding

4/2 2011 19.00 Piano Concert with 5 pianists (free)

10/2 2011 19.00 Den Stigmatiserede PATER PIO + filmklip (free)

26/2 9.30 - 15 S.P.Q.R. Rom til alle tider www.romselskabet.dk




Start from SANKT PAULS KIRKE 18.30 (Danish Public Church)
goes to
JERUSALEMSKIRKEN (Rigensgade 21) (United Methodist)
SANKT ALEXANDER NEWSKI KIRKE (Bredgade) (Russian Orthodocs)
ST. ALBAN´s CHURCH (by Kastellet) (Anglican)