Research seminar organized by
Center for Strategic Management and Globalization (SMG)
“Alliances as Conduits for Organizational Change: Toward a Meso-Level Co-Evolutionary Perspective”
By Dr. Dries Faems, University of Twente, the Netherlands
Abstract: Over the last decades, an increasing number of researchers has been exploring alliance processes. Contributions to this literature generally recognize that changes within organizations may trigger critical events within alliances. Surprisingly, the reverse relationship – i.e. alliance events causing changes in partner organizations – has hitherto received only scant attention though. Building on insights from four in-depth case studies, we: (i) show to what extent and under which circumstances alliance events are most likely to provoke changes within partner organizations; (ii) disentangle when partner organizations are able and willing to conduct the necessary internal changes in response to alliance events; and (iii) demonstrate how the absence/presence of such adjustments influences the continuity of alliances. These findings serve as important building blocks for a meso level co-evolutionary perspective on alliance processes that complements previous micro level and macro level co-evolutionary alliance research.
Time and place
Friday, 27 August 2010, 12:00 noon at Room 1.68
Copenhagen Business School
Porcelænshaven 24, 1st floor,
2000 Frederiksberg
Arranged by
Center for Strategic
Management and Globalization