
Science and Innovation Ministry & Conference :From Idea to Market, turning knowledge into profit 17/11 2010.


The Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation is an institution under the Danish Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation.
Visit the Ministry's homepage http://vtu.dk/site/frontpage

The Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation serves and oversees a wide range of independent councils, commissions and committees which support and advise on research and innovation.
Read more about the Agency's activities http://en.fi.dk/the-agency

The Eurostars-programme:
Eurostars is an international research and development (R&D) programme whose participants are funded by the 31 European EUREKA member-countries and the EU Commission, and whose focus is research-intensive small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). In addition to SMEs, universities, knowledge institutions and larger corporations are also able to participate in the cross-national innovation consortia – however, it is the SME that applies for Eurostars-funds…for example your SME.
More Info http://en.fi.dk/international/european-cooperation/eurostars

EU’s 7th Framework Programme for Research (FP7)

Konferencen SMEs, Research and Innovation: From Idea to Market, turning knowledge into profit
Har du brug for idéer til, hvordan forskning og innovation kan gavne din virksomhed? Er du interesseret i sparring og debat om forskningsmuligheder for europæiske SMV'er? Så deltag i konferencen 17.-18. november i Bruxelles - her sættes SMV'ernes behov indenfor forskning og innovation i højsædet.
Dato: 17.11.2010

Sted: Hotel Dolce La Hulpe – Brussels 135, Chaussée de Bruxelles,
PrisDeltagelse i konferencen er gratis
Rejse og hotelophold er man selv ansvarlig for i forbindelse med konferencen.

Further Information-Click here