
European Research at the University of Copenhagen: "Constructions of Europe” EURECO Distinguished Lecture Series

"Constructions of Europe”
EURECO Distinguished Lecture Series - Efterår 2010

[English version below]

Hvad er Europa? Hvilke strukturer er Europa og EU bygget op omkring, og hvordan vil disse udvikle sig i fremtiden? EURECO byder alle velkomne til EURECO Dinstinguished Lecture Series - Efterår 2010. Under titlen "Constructions of Europe" vil den tværfaglige forelæsningsrække denne gang sætte fokus på de forskellige politiske, juridiske og kulturelle konstruktioner, der tegner Europa og EU.

Tid og sted:
Tirsdage kl. 15-17 i uge 37, 41, 43, 45, 46 og 47 plus finale
Anneks B, Studiegården Studiestræde 6, 1455 København K
Gratis adgang
Alle forelæsninger er på engelsk


14. september - Social Europe
Social Rights in Europe: From National to European Welfare?
Lektor Dorte Martinsen, Institut for Statskundskab, Københavns Universitet

12. oktober – Secular Europe
Religious Diversity and Secular Legal Models in Europe
Professor Henrik Palmer Olsen, Det Juridiske Fakultet, Københavns Universitet

26. oktober – Political Europe
Rewriting the History of European Integration
Adjunkt Morten Rasmussen, Historie, SAXO-Instituttet, Københavns Universitet

9. november - Constitutional Europe
The Constitutional Engine: How Legal Thinking Shapes European Integration
Professor Helle Krunke, Det Juridiske Fakultet, Københavns Universitet

16. november – People's Europe
Ritualizing Citizenship - Citizenship Ceremonies in Northern Europe between Local, National and Transnational Identities
Lektor Tine Damsholt, SAXO-Instituttet, Københavns Universitet

23. november – Market Europe
EU's Employment Policy and the Member States
Professor Peter Nedergaard, Institut for Statskundskab, Københavns Universitet

Final honorary lecture (dato endnu ikke bekræftet)
Professor Timothy Garton Ash, Professor of European Studies in the University of Oxford, Isaiah Berlin Professorial Fellow at St Anthony's College, Oxford, and Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University.
Mere information følger senere.

Hold øje med programmet på vores hjemmeside: www.eureco.ku.dk

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Målet med EURECO (European Research at the University of Copenhagen) er at skabe banebrydende europaforskning med international gennemslagskraft. EURECO er et samarbejde mellem ledende forskere fra Det Samfundsvidenskabelige, Det Juridiske og Det Humanistiske Fakultet. For mere information om EURECO og foredragsrækken, kontakt Rebecca Adler-Nissen på ran@ifs.ku.dk.


"Constructions of Europe”

EURECO Distinguished Lecture Series - Fall 2010

What is Europe? How is Europe and the EU constructed and how will it develop in the future? EURECO welcomes everybody to next semester's EURECO Distinguished Lecture Series - Fall 2010. Under the title "Constructions of Europe" this interdisciplinary lecture series will explore the different political, legal and cultural constructions that constitute Europe and the EU.

Time and place:

Tuesdays from 3-5 PM weeks 37, 41, 43, 45, 46 and 47 plus finale lecture
Anneks B, Studiegården Studiestræde 6, 1455 Copenhagen K
Free entrance.
All lectures are in English.


14 September - Social Europe
Social Rights in Europe: From National to European Welfare?
Associate Professor Dorte Martinsen, Department of Political Science University of Copenhagen

12 October – Secular Europe
Religious Diversity and Secular Legal Models in Europe
Professor Henrik Palmer Olsen, Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen

26 October – Political Europe
Rewriting the History of European Integration
Assistant Professor Morten Rasmussen, History, The SAXO Institute, University of Copenhagen

9 November - Constitutional Europe
The Constitutional Engine: How Legal Thinking Shapes European Integration
Professor Helle Krunke, Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen

16 November – People's Europe
Ritualizing Citizenship - Citizenship Ceremonies in Northern Europe between Local, National and Transnational Identities
Associate Professor Tine Damsholt, the SAXO-Institute, University of Copenhagen

23 November – Market Europe
EU's Employment Policy and the Member States
Professor Peter Nedergaard, Department of Political Science University of Copenhagen

Final honorary lecture (date to be confirmed)
Professor Timothy Garton Ash, Professor of European Studies in the University of Oxford, Isaiah Berlin Professorial Fellow at St Anthony's College, Oxford, and Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University.
More information on this lecture will follow.

Look out for the programme on our webpage: www.eureco.ku.dk
Do you want more information on EURECO and how to get a diploma?

The lectures are open to all. If you would like more information about the lecture series and the EURECO diploma, please sign up on www.eureco.ku.dk. To receive the diploma you have to attend at least 5 out of 7 lectures.

EURECO (European Research at the University of Copenhagen) aims at generating cutting-edge research on Europe and the European Union with an international impact. EURECO brings together leading researchers from the Faculties of Social Sciences, Law and Humanities at the University of Copenhagen. For more information on EURECO and the Lecture Series, please contact Rebecca Adler-Nissen at ran@ifs.ku.dk.